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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Windermere swim number 2


And so following on from our first swim Alison and I sat bellies plump from delicious scones and nicely warmed from the open fires and in walks the man himself, none other than the Gladiator, Thomas Noblett. After the normal welcome greeting including bear hug, Thomas stood aside to reveal a gentleman he wished to introduce me to. 

A rather dapper tall looking gentleman stood in front of me...a personal hero and yet what do i do...go on wobble mode! Why....because this swimmer extraordinaire stated that he read my blogs and loved them! So there you go, at my tender age i turn into a mode that can only be described as a teenager at a pop concert!

So who was this amazing man - none other than Michael Read MBE, KING OF THE CHANNEL (, this is the man that has swim the English channel no less than 33 times...yes you did read that correctly 33 times....and that is not including all his other achievements. At times the water almost held and kept him and as you will know if you ever have the pleasure of meeting him ...he would not let it beat him...and i for one am glad. For there in front of me was the man himself, amazing sparkly eyes and a wicked grin....and as i was to find out a sense of humour to match. What an absolute treat!

Had it not been for the water i suspect that we could have sat over a glass of wine, and a rather fine meal and chatted all night as he regaled me with stories of his swims, but low and behold other swimmers turned up...the great and the best of the BLDSA (British Long Distance Swimming Association -  and channel swimming world!!! What a fantastic afternoon this was turning out to be. Then came the invitation to swim...Alison and i explained that we had already swam...but...well the water was there and the company was great so what was to refuse. Heading downstairs into the swim cave, the intrepid long distance swimmers donning mere costumes, hats and goggles, Alison and I in neoprene, having already swam less than an hour ago we were still chilled from the previous swim. The girly chatter from one side of the room matched by that of the males the other side. Some of the ladies even found things to play with down there!

Walking out into the sunshine and heading down the path towards the lake, Thomas and Mike, were there to oversee (translate that to - make fun of us!) our swimming. Thankfully we brought our cameras with us to the jetty, a group picture and the odd saucy word or two from Mike with laughter raining down the lake and the chatter started to turn towards getting in the water...all of a sudden it seemed as if it would be cold. Could we delay it any more....a few more pictures maybe

And of course one last hug from Mike (much welcomed ...and he is rather good at them!!!)

we started to enter the water, Alison and I with the benefit of the neoprene entered the water first step by step - for a second swim it take the breath but we soon settled in the water....others took a braver more determined way, a holding of hands, take a deep breath and go for it....and as fast as they enter the water...they emerge breaking its surface equally as fast!

The ladies heading in feet first the gentlemen taking a more macho approach, head first, they too surfaced equally as fast.....and i might add they did state that certain area's of their bodies were feeling the cold worse than others...a source of amusement for the ladies but no so much so for the gentlemen!!!
A few healthy gasps and off we all went to swim, the water as refreshingly brisk as i had been earlier that day, the weather if anything brighter as if the lake district was welcoming its new guests to the water.  A quick blast out to the boat and round a few buoys and then it was out and rushing to the warmth of the swim cave as its affectionately known. Now one of the beauties of being an open water swimmer is the dignity in getting changed, we all understand that we are cold, that there is no point trying to struggle to don clothing with hands that don't work properly and so the wet items get taken off, the body rigorously dried and warm clothing quickly placed onto chilled skin. 

Retreating to the warmth of the Langdales log fires, it is a given that we now have to have the warm scones and really is hard to leave great company, food and hospitality. I do feel our next meeting Mike should be next to a fire, with a bottle of red, it was amazing to meet you and this one is dedicated to you and the inspiration that you give to all swimmers, see you soon i hope and yes i may well take you up on your method off warming up after a swim :) xx

1 comment:

  1. would love to see you and Mike sharing a glass of wine, bet the pair of you are a right giggle when you get together, wonderful man!!!!
