The training continues, does it get any easier, i will say yes, you learn what to expect, how your body reacts and how to cope with it. Its amazing to swim sans suit (an believe me i love my suit and look at it longingly!), to swim in temperatures where your body numbs, your feet appear to disappear, your hands claw and when you exit the water and are dried and dressed you can actively feel the cold travelling around your body. Its slightly disconcerting and you can seriously scare yourself if you look up said symptoms on the internet, that being said this is extreme swimming and the signs are not to be taken lightly. This cold water is dangerous and although it is fantastic to experience it, what we are doing is not an undertaking done in full jest, we are asking a lot of questions, getting advice AND we are taking it, its a new experience for all of us!
Are there others like us i wonder...well organise and event and see....and so the swim in Windermere on one of the busiest shopping days of the year (last weekend before Christmas) came about. 21st December, arrive at the Langdale Chase Hotel with the view of swimming around 2pm, the weather, raining, overcast, dull, the water temperature between 5 and 6 degrees......and would you believe it people actually turned up!!! Lots of them!!!!! Thomas G Noblett aka the gladiator generously and very kindly permitted us the use of his jetty to swim from, a room to get changed in (carpeted and warm, what a luxury) and the treat of hot scones, tea and coffee in the conservatory afterwards!!! Even if no-one had turned up i would have relished this swim!!
What a change from changing in a car park or exposing ones nether regions to the passing public as you rapidly get changed by the side of a lake...and why do said people never appear while you are swimming, only at times when you are damp and attempting to put on multiple layers, whilst bouncing on one foot!!! Oh and why do they insist on chatting to you while you do your demented flamingo act on sharp stones!!!! But to get to Windermere even in winter involved getting through the traffic, not normally an issue (well bearable on occasion) but given that i have invited people, organised the swim.....why did i have to be stuck behind the learner driver who was looking for the Beatrix potter museum!!!! Finally arriving at the hotel and just about on time, it was fantastic to see a sign showing where the SWIMMERS CAR PARK was....you see there was a wedding on at the same venue (amazing setting i might add if you are looking for that special place - http://www.langdalechase.co.uk/). Parking up and heading towards our designated changing area, we come across Andrew Tighe, a stanch Newcastle supporter as well as an avid open water swimmer himself, looking rather splendid in his refinery. We felt like we were being welcomed in style, what a brilliant treat!
The grounds and setting are amazing, breath taking and make you want to wander at leisure in crinolines with hound dogs at your ankles! It is a peaceful setting, idyllically placed by the lake, who could want of more. The gladiators play ground was ours for the taking for a few hours, brilliant!
Getting into the changing area...there are lots of swimmers in various states of undress, the life of the open water swimmer is seldom but this carpeted room was an added bonus, bliss! Introductions made, no person forced or otherwise to enter the water sans suit however, if so inclined you could not want for better company in which to give it a go and indeed some did, others kept the suits on, and i must admit i was hard not to feel a tad envious of their added warmth!
One and all arrived and all ready to swim, Colin Hill came to say hello, he is the organiser of the Chill swim (http://www.chillswim.com/the-swim/) and the reason why so many of us were putting ourselves through this unusual form of training, but it was great to see him, his lovely wife and the cutest children ever with us, it was comforting for those who had never swam open water before to be able to get some first hand advice prior to entering the water.
Clearly some were looking forward to the swim, it was a amazing that swimmers had traveled to be with us on such a date so close to Christmas and its great that they were able to bring so many, Brian Kinsella, Paul Dobson, Ella Dunn, Paul Woodward, Louise Maguire, Hazel Killingbeck and Ursula Richards-Cains to name a few, it was amazing to meet so many new faces and brilliant that people had traveled to be with us.
Apparently hugging your nipples will keep you warmer..although i suspect not it might be the strange head attire that makes this picture look odd!!!! The swimmers were getting in, sounding not dissimilar to howler monkeys with their cries as the cold hit areas never previously been exposed to such temperatures, the laughter was as loud as the shouts! Getting in, the water dropping from the sky considerably warmer than that in which my feet were immersed, it was a strange sensation but not wholly unwanted. One step, two steps three then four breath, no seriously breath, one trick i have learned is to get the breathing out correctly is important, in extreme temperatures you have to force yourself to exhale! Oh the water rises with each step, now do i carry on with my minuscule steps or just go for it...just go for it, the other option to chilly to contemplate!
Once the bite of the chill had settled the grins were huge, it really is an unusual experience, however one that you get used to after several sans suit swims!
For some the allure of the jump once they had got used to the cold was too much!! But it was great to see people enjoying the water, pictures being taken, the water flat only distorted by the weight of the raindrops and our ripples. Some choosing to splash and dip, others testing their distance, people like Vanessa Christie and myself who reaching the point we had headed for .....heading off for pastures further afar. The setting was magical, the scenery truly stunning, an amazing building offset but the mountains and hill surrounding it what could make the day better....oh yes folks it could get better!!!
If you have the chance to stay, do so the main Christmas tree, in a majestic room complete with open fire is a dream to behold! Snuggling in our warm clothing with great food it really was hard to leave such a wonderful building, the pennies are being saved so i can spend a night there (swim both days you understand...there is method in my madness!!), just so i can experience its warmth again.
Swims are made in several ways, the location (tick), the company (tick), the food(tick)....a successful day!!!
Here's to the next one...mid January i hope 2013...can you think of a better way to start the new year!
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