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Friday 7 December 2012

Chapter 1 Mission for a Medal

A hand held is a journey made together

In February this year I lady contacted me,(Louise Wiz Bradley), could she come and give open water swimming a go, she had signed up for the Great North Swim and on top of that was learning to swim! Talk about determined!

This ladies' name was Louise Bradley and determined is an understatement for the tenacity that she showed in achieving her task. You see Louise had to overcome several hurdles, firstly she had literally only just learned to swim and also she had never swam outside and had a deep fear of anything and everything associated with swimming outside.

Getting the wetsuit on a nervous female is a feat and a half, the fear that appears to creep in produces ever slowing movements but eventually it was and now it was there was no way i was not going to get her in the water. One thing i learnt and i am sure those that know Louise will agree with is that when Louise is nervous she chatters like a bird! Cue ear seriously i wear them to keep the water out......!!! The walk towards the jetty produced ever increasingly smaller footsteps by Louise, i wondered if i would have to physically pick her up and drag her there, but that would have probably tipped her to hysteria so tiny steps it was. At the waters edge you could literally hear the jaws theme going through her head but this lady is determined and she had committed herself to giving it a go. Giving instruction and it was time to get in, the ripples in the water not caused by the waves but Louise's shaking. clearly although she wanted desperately to do it, the body was exposing the level of stress she was putting herself under. A short small distance swim was in order. First bouy and back, there would be no putting the face under, no stoke analysis, just get her in the water and back to the side as quick as possible.

Still chatting she started swimming, and did not stop until we got to the first buoy  which she hugged with all of her being, the breathing was starting to steady, the eyes were loosing that panic stricken look and a smile was starting to form. When i could get a word in edge ways i chatted about the surroundings, the wildlife and ability to swim in a wetsuit, then it was time to head back to the jetty. Again still chatting Louise in her own style pushed forward determined to do it. Back at the jetty safe and sound, oh my god she said, i did it, i did it, the grin was huge, and then she promptly burst into tears!! Oh hell did i make it that bad a first experience, no thankfully it was Louise's release mechanism (it recurred at other swims when she got angry with herself for not swimming fast enough!!) she was overwhelmed by her achievement  she had just conquered a major fear, the getting in, can she swim and would she, could she do it. Yes she did!

Larger footsteps back to the changing rooms, and my god this woman literally never stops talking, note to self, teach her to put her face the water!!! No seriously  it was like a different woman had emerged from the lake, a stronger more determined one, a woman that knew she could take on a challenge and succeed. Showered and changed the grin if it was possible was even bigger, would she be back my word she was already talking about her next swim and what she wanted to achieve  Could this be the fastest ever convert to open water!

Chapter 2 of this ladies amazing journey coming soon!


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  2. Lyn Andrews Fantastic blog Pauline, takes me right back......wishing I was back there now Amazing memories of an awesome day! x
