Extremely special friends Jonty and Penny, the former of International Ice mile fame being the worlds only disabled ice mile swimmer, have a very special addition to their family - Norfolk terrier Roscoe.
Roscoe when he first appeared was a tiny bundle of cuddly fun. Fluffy and simply the sweetest of natures....the perfect pooch, definitely winner the hearts of everyone he comes into contact with.
Roscoe is a regular at Ellerton Lake in North Yorkshire where he has been known to take a dip or two under the watchful eye of 'mum' Penny from the jetty, from a quick acclimatisation dip to completing his 10m badge (as issued by us!!!) he seems to be taking to his aquatic adventures as much as his 'dad does.
As this amazing little pup has grown in both age and maturity he has become quite a character and holds close to my heart, his greetings are amazing and his love of life is brilliant, he is fearless (nesting swans earn nothing more than a cursory glance before being barked at as close as we dared let him get...there was a wire fence in-between but the male swan was making the type of no- nonsense noises that scare a female let alone a pup!!!) and as cheeky as can be.....just ask him mum ....he appears to love her slippers!!!!

The little man also has his share of famous admirers - Cassie Patten, Bronze medal winner at the Beijing Olympics amongst a host of other successful medals to add to her wealth of experience and success, whom not only stunning in the flesh ( as they say) but is as gorgeous on the inside as she looks on the outside. Taking an instant liking to little Roscoe she carefully clasped him to her, sat down and wrapped in my Dryrobe, proceeded to cuddle Roscoe into a deep and comfortable sleep, where he stayed while dad Jonty and I swam, got changed and then joined in the chat, what an utter privilege to spend time in her company.....fingers crossed one day i will get to attend her swim clinic too!!!

Not that the wonderpup confines himself to merely staying in one place.....he was recently on the Isle of Bute to meet some of the most incredible swimmers, for example Ram Barkai founder of the International Ice Swimming Association, Mike Read - king of the channel, a host of international attendees from countries such as Russia and the wonderful Shelley Taylor Smith who had travelled from Australia.....he lapped up the attention but ever the open water pup he was looking out for water
Need to be near water satisfied it was time for mum Pen and I to take him for a longer walk and the perfect setting of the Mount Stuart Castle ( grounds seemed perfect, and they proved to be every bit the young pup dream ( who knew pups could wee so much!!!).
For a pooch with such tiny legs he certainly put in the mileage that day!!!
And after all that aquatic excitement, walking and adoration, what is left to do.....that's right, as dad says.....recharge the 'fun batteries'!!!!
Many more adventures from the open water pup to come i am sure, find him on facebook so see more pictures and hear of his fun and adventures!!!!!