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Tuesday, 19 March 2013



Word soon gets round on Facebook and the words got around...swimmers wanted...oh go on then if you insist. Emails from ITV, co-ordination from the Wild West Swimmers group on Facebook,   B and B booked....just got to sit back and wait now.

What were ITV Television filming for? Well all TV companies promote themselves and ITV are going through a re-brand, new logo's etc. And we were to be a part of it in the form of an IDENT. Which is the brand advertising s in-between programmes and other adverts.

And so it was we headed up to Loch Lomond in Scotland, its a beautiful long loch with the most wonderful surroundings, even if the weather is atrocious its an amazing place to be, the sandy shoreline gives way to clear water which deepens in its golden colour the further you enter into it. Arriving late afternoon to our b and b, the lady owner happy to inform us of local hostries to get an evening meal in. We decided to eat at the Luss hotel (just over the road from where we were staying. A recently refurbished building which is wonderfully relaxing to be in, with real ale, great wines and a log fire and brilliant food!

The following morning, weather lovely and still, air but not too cold and we headed off for a breakfast meeting. It was wonderful to meet so many of the Wild West Swimmers and what a smashing bunch they are too, instantly welcoming and full of brilliant banter. Pots of coffee and tea along with a full Scottish breakfasts for those that wanted them were brought out.!

The crew rushing around organising themselves whilst we had our fill of the local food, and then it was curtains up and time to perform. Heading off to get our wetsuits on i was likened to a load of seals about to be filmed....! Soon enough it was time to 'perform'. Wow, that a set-up and all for us, large reflective umbrella for the filming, even a make up lade in case our lips turned blue with the chill, runners, camera persons, director etc 21 people just to film us....and all their equipment. The crew were all excited....they had seen a seal...impossible said the Wild West never get that sort of wild life in the loch, we all scoured the water, not seeing a solitary head bobbling out of the water  (the news later detailed the sighting!!!) 

Hopping from foot to foot while the crew did their work, we waited whilst they outlined the plan of action. They swept the beach...literally., to remove debris (there was none) and foot prints. We were ready, form queues either side of the camera and when your shoulder was tapped run into the water..oh and mind the sodding great metal wire that runs presumably from the boat house to the depths of the water. We could say what we wanted on the way into the water and while we were swimming, but on the way back and whilst we were running back onto the beach we were instructed not to talk, one can only assume they did not want to see us mouthing the words....gosh that was cold!

Thankfully our backs were turned from the camera for the first entry into the water, at 9 degrees it still had the capacity to take our breaths away, a few howler monkey impressions were heard, the odd bit of open water tourettes kicked in but we all got in and swam to the appointed distance. No time to acclimatise and we were out of the water running past the camera grinning. The crew collectively shivered at our advancement and the odd droplet of water that landed on them! I think they were slightly in awe of what we were doing whilst at the same time trying to comprehend the 'why' factor...were our grins not enough to explain! Did they not get it, they rushed towards us, blankets, hot water bottles and hot drinks at the ready, a room with a form of heater in it for us to shelter from the slight breeze that we were encountering. 

The director and crew revised the footage, discussed new swimmers giving our suggestions too, jumping/diving off of the pier..would we do it they asked.....a collective yes went up! And off we headed to the pier, their boat complete with camera man on board to record the massive splash that we must have created. Oh the back-flips started, the dives and jumps, I think the crew were a little astonished at how at ease we are in the water, I am not sure what they were expecting but I hope that we reassured them that WE are fine in the water, we embrace it, it becomes part of it and its a part of us.

Playtime over and it was time to get in the water and swim again, round and round the boat , we rotated like a neoprene clad shoal of mackerel  The camera rolling, the photographer clicking...did we look good enough. It was hard to know what they were after, although direction was being given we had the freedom to be ourselves in the water.

Heading back to the original swim spot, the runners there with freshly made up hot water bottles  hot drinks and sweets, some when off for a bit of a longer swim, others huddled like penguins in the little room provided for us. The heater providing a gentle warmth that brought fingers and toes back to life.

Given enough time to thaw properly and it was time for skins only ( i.e take the wetsuit off time!). Oh this was going to feel very different. Karen.......was thrilled to see the beach being swept in front of us, removing evidence of our earlier entrances and exits from the water.....i do remember her stating that she would now be requiring this of all the swims she did....i am sure the rest of her group did this for her....or maybe not! I however would love to see it happen!!!

Standing around in our costumes and trunks wrapped in fleece  and foil blankets like lemmings waiting to go off the side of a cliff, the crew were behaving slightly differently, eventually one of them came over....when we get in the water could we try not to make any vocal noise as there was a funeral going on, it then became apparent the wonderful sound of a lone bagpipe echoing mournfully over the water. And as if to prove it a small handful of black clad people came to watch us, i am not sure what they made of us but hopefully we provided a bit of welcome relief on such a day. But as they stood watching the director quietly told us to line up, the same formation as before, and when tapped on the shoulder we were to head to the water.

Now the water was cool before but having been in and out of it all morning now we were non-wetsuit..and not allowed to make a noise...the signal given a brief tap on the shoulder and off we went, oh holy smolly....whispered cursing as the sharp bite of the cold water hit us, it was borderline painful. The swimming no where near as elegant or perfected as before as the breathing and stroke technique wet to pot. Heading out, oh the sweet relief of the warmth of what little sun there was hitting our skin. Grabbing towels and all manner of blankets we shrouded ourselves with as much as we could. And they the words.....could you do it again please. Gulp....the cold was really creeping into our bodies, several of the group actively shivering.

Forming an orderly, now most of collectively shaking, the tap on the shoulder and in we went, not so bad this  time and all to soon over and done with, cut came the call (yes they really do say that!) and the runners were telling us we could get dressed and head back to the first meeting point of the day. We did not need telling twice, heading off (and as per normal leaving everything i own at the venue only to be remember when naked and not able to run back to get them!) we got dressed and headed back to the hotel. Oh one log fire...yes we all took our turn to get as close as we could to it. Bliss, hot drinks, chocolate and all manner of sweets to keep us happy. Disclaimers and permission forms signed and it was time to head home. What a wonderful day, again it was so lovely to finally meet all the Wild West Swimmers, Loch Lomond is amazing and it was great to return to it . The ident came out in January 2013 and has been seen all round the country over and over, its still an amazing surprise when it pops up in the adverts. A fantastic experience!!!  And for those of you that have not seen it here it is there are two versions one for 19 seconds and the other for 31, here's the longer version... I'm the one in the red and black costume with the yellow hat. Hope you like it folks!!!!

And the stars of the show were Pauline Squire (me), Karen weir, Gillian Lester, Kim Lane, Kirstin Scott, Lindsey Carson, Mark Bonner, Robert Hamilton, Jim Cunningham, Peter Warren, James Pollock, Cameron Scott, Mark Cohen, John Pullman, Robert Pytlarczyk, Tom McGuire

Friday, 8 March 2013

Swimming mug!!!!

Swimming mug!

Given my love of Earl Grey tea.....i  now have a new mug to drink it out pint happy swimmer!

Thursday, 7 March 2013



Well have competed in the Cold water swimming championships we now felt much better prepared for the Big Chill Swim in Windermere, in February. Colin Hill had put a lot of effort into organising it, we had put a lot of effort in to training for was shaping up to be a good day!

Heading down to the lake district with my daughter (aka the chief photographer for the day) to stay with Rebecca and Kath, we were in good spirits, daylight gave way to semi darkness and it made me wish i had studied the map a bit more before setting off!! But hey ho, we were looking forward to it. The weather was a bit breezy and overcast with the skies opening to share their contents every now and that would make for an interesting race the next day if it stayed like that.

Getting unpacked, having eaten it was time to share some liquid fermented grapes of the red variety (bottles of red for those that don't know) and let the banter flow, Rebecca and Kath had already been and registered which meant no early start in the morning, jolly good idea, i headed down to do the same. Job done and where is my glass, time to relax. Rebecca and Kath proved to be jolly good company and the chat soon flowed, all too quickly though it was time for in the morning. What a great start to the weekend!

Rising the next morning feeling suitably refreshed to a perfectly cooked egg butty from Rebecca, (hope it would not come up to say hello again during the race), we all got ready and headed down to find a parking spot...Spot found and it was time to explore, as with the CWSC, there were a great deal of people to say hi too, open water swimming really is a social event. The weather could not be more perfect, sunny, the water calm and still.

Everything was already set up and the races had started, the endurance  race coming to an end but we had time to see Bryn Dymott complete his 450 metres. He got out looking fresh as a daisy and made it look easy to boot! Checking out where everything tub, changing area it was time to watch more races and soak up the atmosphere. Marshall's in abundance, runners for your kits as you raced, it was fantastic to watch the level of organisation at work, and so smoothly too. The swim had attracted competitors from all over the globe, Russia, Finland, Iceland to name but a few...i must admit we were all a little in awe of the Russian...surely our waters would be like a hot-tub to them.

Rebecca and Kath went off to get ready, despite be seasoned cold water swimmers who are capable of staying in the water for an hour or more with not so much as a shiver they had decided to do the 30m....knowing their sense of humour...i had a feeling it would be great what ever it was they were up too. Around 20 minutes later an almost cheer like ripple went through the crowds, the press suddenly obtained a burst of two life sized smurfs emerged from the sidelines.....yes Rebecca and Kath....oh it was brilliant, they got interviewed for the tv, a million pictures taken...and then they swam..but it was no ordinary swim. 30m of unadulterated fun.

They swirled and twirled in a dance with the water, totally enjoying their moment, it was superb!

As they got out of the water a huge cheers and of course they lapped it up, they have set the standard for next years fancy dress swimmers, lets hope many more follow suit!

All too soon it was my turn to get changed and head to the warmth of the pink tent, Ursula Richards-Cairns was waiting to get in the the water, in need of warmth she snuggled up inside my Dryrobe until her glasses seamed up. With a giggle off she went for her splash!

And as is her style emerged triumphant and grinning!

Next up me..gulp, there were meant to be 4 our us in my race....two weren't there, no pressure then to thrash the pant....i mean beat the lady stood next to me. We walked the short walk across the jetty, dis-robed an entered the felt warm or was that my head telling me that and my body just ignoring it. Shoulders under and go....again  pretty colours, the lane ropes ...caught my attention (aka Jungle Book - and this time current of the water was taking them out of their nice straight formation, so consequently i bumped right into the things!!! Right wake up, ignore the pretty colours. One lap done...and turn, i could see my competition...she was not ahead of, full speed ahead, the breathing was fine, the catch of the stroke was fine, the kick was fine, a nice straight line back to the finish and done!! I had won my race....beaming from ear to ear!! Getting the robe on, instant warmth but i wanted to get back in and do it again...and again and again!!! A brilliant experience. 

Thee Chill swim had an agreement with the Low Wood hotel for the competitors to use the facilities , so after watching Vanessa swim i headed off to the sauna! Wonderful...full warmed up and out to watch Tony Robson....knickers he had already got out of the water but again he was grinning so i am pleased it went well for him. Now just to wait for the results to see where we stood in the standings!

A hot drink while we waited.....and then drum roll....yipeeeeeee i had got a medal, bronze in my age group ladies freestyle...can a grin get any wider, cue dancing on the spot!!!

It was great watching everyone else get their medals, Kath and Rebecca won best costume, quite rightly too!  My turn to collect the medal....fab, fab fab, happy swimmer!!!

The do in the evening was equally as good with Jackie Cobbell leading the dancing, a fine night had by one and all, what a brilliant day, well organised, great fun and guaranteed to grow now that the word is spreading.

Dales life magazine Feb 2013



Cold water.....well its cold isn't it....not it's not its down right freezing! In fact at times it felt more than freezing. Tell someone who does not open water swim what you are planning to do and they instantly give you 'that look' you know the one, its the one that says you are nuts. They don't get the addiction, the thrill, the exhilaration of submerging yourself in the coldest water you can why on earth would you do it!
Because its fun and it makes you feel alive!

"Simples" as they say on the advert! Except its not as easy as it looks. The first time is definitely the hardest or so they say, i personally would say the first time is a baptism of fire, it shows you what cold water really feels like, subsequent swims become a physical and mental battle, you look forward to them but dread them, and at the end of them find yourself in shopping queues shaking with the down drop grinning.!

Swim in winter without a wetsuit....oh my, what a prospect, i have swam all year round for a while but without a that is a different story. It almost does not bear thinking about, i tried having a cold shower....nope that is not good, I did not come out smiling at all. I tried putting my hands in iced water....nope that too did not work, there was nothing for it i was going to have to actually 'do it'! No wetsuit....but i love my wetsuit, its fab, I adore it, appreciate it but it was going to have a be honest the rate i go through wetsuits this current Orca 3.8 was probably taking a sigh of relief!

Arriving at the lake, it was sunny, i had that many layers of clothing on there was nothing of the suns warmth getting through! But still it was nice to have some sunshine....but still it was a chilly air temperature and the water....LOOKED COLD! Why in a wetsuit does it look amazing but non-wetsuit...its well its plain....COLD. It made me feel cold just looking at it, was i really going to submerge myself in its murky depths......oh yes i was...for definite. With me looking equally nervous were Vanessa Christie and Tony Robson.

Getting changed, took no time at all, but in the confines of a cold changing room, i wish it had taken longer. Delay tactics were the only method possible to put off the intended swim, you would think we were being force to do it, we weren't, we were nervous and very excited, looking forward to it and dreading it. What a mixture of emotions. Well what was the worst that could happen, having scared ourselves daft looking things up on the internet...i think we diagnosed symptoms of a million illnesses that we did not even know existed! Little did we realise just what 'cold'  felt like but we would soon find out and at this point we had abandoned the wetsuit but had donned as much other clothing as we could, running tights, rash vests, gloves and socks, still has two hats, of you name it we tried to wear it on that first trip out!

Tony and I had previously swam in the cold water, broken the ice to do so, it did not hurt you see, we had neoprene on....! Today was going to be a whole new experience, i wonder if the 3 of us would still be grinning at the end of it. Who to get in first....nope not me, Vanessa was the brave one, slowly getting in, cursing loudly in protest of the sheer unadulterated pain that was assaulting her, next was my turn, on that first moment the water hit the thighs, it was as if you has rolled me in a nettle bush, even at this point the breathing was speeding up, the goosebumps had goosebumps, the senses were on alert, OK the water hits the hip area, great i can pee now...what, no instance warmth... of course not there was no neoprene! Exiting the water the 3 of us grinning so huge, it was as if our faces would split. We had done it, wow what an amazing experience, and why were we doing it, we  had decided to enter a cold water race in Windermere, but the week before there where the Cold Water Swimming Championships, only held every two years. Vanessa and I wanted to enter but first we needed to make sure we would be ok. Tony swam in preparation  for the Chill swim.

Time flew past in a rush of squeals, shouts and shivers (a post swim shivering session in video on my Facebook page C:\Users\geoffs\Desktop\photo.htm). We have swam in everything, snow being the best, breaking the ice, the journey has been amazing but now it was time to see how we would fare in the championships, our coldest temperature had been 0.5 degrees to date, this would stand us in good stead on the day!

Driving to Vanessa's house early on the Friday morning, i wondered if she was as nervous as me, we were to stay with her sister, who had kindly offered to put us up, ideal as she lived only 15 minutes from Tooting Bec Lido, and so on a sunny saturday morning, with little or no breeze and very blearly eyed we drove to the Lido, anxious of not knowing direction or with any knowledge of the parking in the area. We need not have worried, the sat nav took us straight there, no delays as the early morning traffic not yet in flow. Parking again easy, the car park only at that time held about 7 cars. Phew!!!

Getting out of the car, it barely seemed as if we had woken up but we soon were to as the hustle and bustle of the pool and its surrounding area hit us. Wow it was a sight to behold. The antique changing room doors stood with multi coloured pride. The brightly coloured lido was wonderful to see, people milling around, marshals, volunteers, judges, all manner of people all looking like they knew what they were doing! Oh the promised hot tubs were there awaiting their first guests...i would definitely be trying them out.

Joining the queue for registration, each competitor eager to know their time of swim so they could mill around, enjoy the stands and watch the racing. The lido was filling up rapidly, competitors identifiable by the badges hung round their necks. Mine and Vanessa's collected, we headed to the stalls to have a look at all the goodies on offer. Along the way it was brilliant to meet so many people, facebook friends, twitter friends and email friends, all who had done as i had, travelled to this marvellous place to have a dip.

The stands we already flowing with a steady stream of customers, Dryrobe had mine ready for me, it was to prove a godsend at keeping me warm , Vanessa loved them so much she bought one too! It was great talking to Gabs Dickinson of Gone Swimming, she's baked some lovely goodies(Bara Brith - traditional welsh cake) which i planned to sample later! Strel swimming were there dishing out hats as a gentle reminder of our future holidays in the making. The area where the stands were is warm, and crowded, the volume of chatter rising constantly, time to head out side to get changed, and watch a few of the races before our turn came around.

Thankfully the changing rooms were close by  a constant flow of females rushing in and out, getting changed the commentators steady flow of banter (and yes he really was that funny!) He kept this endless stream of patter up the whole day only stopping for a quick refreshment break, EVERY event should have a compare like this one, the competitors and the crowd were literally hanging off of his every word!

 The opening ceremony led by Jo Brand was brilliant, she had given open water swimming a go, not sure its her favourite activity but she did try!

Changed and wrapped in my Dryrobe, i was now toasty warm, although the sun was shining the air temp was still a tad chilly at that time of the morning. Standing at the start line having been told the water was ranging between 0.5 and 1 degree, i was so grateful for all the times my local lake had been that cold so at least i knew i had trained for it! The lady next to me looked serious, and despite her protests she was off like a bullet...!

The rules are the race starts when your shoulders are under the water.....what a torcherous thought, it sounds painful....and it is, Vanessa and i had rehearsed ..the process was slow...we literally had a mental block at the sudden submersion into cold water...!

This was us just trying to get our toes in let alone anything else....previously we had been strolling in quite happily!!!
But rules are rules...and in we got, no howler monkey impressions this time, shoulders under and we were off, the water did not feel cold yet had taken my breath....used to lakes the lane ropes threw me totally and i became fascinated by them, although i was out in the fresh air ....i was in a box...mentally it went to pot! Pretty colours.....pretty colours.....oh my lord what was happening!!! Knickers i have touched the side, race over....well that was brief but how fab!! Loved it, can i have another go....oh theres a hot tub....dont mind if i do!

And so i did! Vanessa bless her raced after me and had my camera so i had no pictures of her but i watched her, she was fab and did not appear to be as fascinated with the colours as i was, she swam strongly and as i did came out grinning! Warm water, did we really need it...well yes ofcourse and unexpected treat and one we fully enjoyed! We found it rather amusing that when the gentlemen joined us ladies they did not know where to put their toes!!!! After the hot tub....the sauna...again heaven but rather full up! Then time to check the we get dressed or stay in the robes which were doing their job and keeping us wonderfully warm...a quick check...i was in the final...oh heck...i was starving.....but now could not eat as i was due to swim again soon...right i would get dress for now then change again, my qualifying time
Dressed and watching the other races sat in the sun on the stands one could be forgiven for thinking that we were in London and that it was the 26th Jan, it felt warm! The atmosphere was electric, the commentator still going strong, it was still packed with all manner of people....some in costumes such as is the nature of the event.

Before you know it and with belly grumbling its time to the finals, chuffed to bit but now nervous....i had only enter this to see how i did, for fun,......oh pretty colours....pretty colours....please dont let me get distracted again....picking up my new registration details was secretly really pleased to get through but what next.....pretty colours...i could literally hear them calling my name.

Our race number was called....going through, the competitors had a slightly more serious air....oh my god....this would be different!!! Take your clothes off please said the commentator...we did...our names called we raised our arms and my head the voice of Batman in The Dark Knight....'why so serious'....shoulders under..was this water colder this time round, the sun was fading off of the pool and it did feel a little cooler.
We were off, 30 metres of me again mesmerised by the pretty colours and i touched the side again....asking for my time as i got out....are you serious i ask, really are you sure....i had pulled in exactly the same, well hey ho, i have had a fab day, head over heals to be in the finals.

The whole event superbly organised, from point of contact to walking out the gate, its one that i will never forget, so glad i took part and really hope i get to do so again, such fun! Did i buy the T-shirt.....of course, will i be back bet!!!! As the sign said, caution cold water may contain nuts....we might be nuts but we were having a blast!!!