Following an appeal on Facebook for swimmers for the programme Countryfile, (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006t0bv), i put my name forward, any opportunity to show the world what we do and how we do it, who knows you might even entice a few more into the water and thats the whole ethos of what i do. So name submitted i sat and waited, soon others added their names and later that day we got contacted by the producer and director, Jack and Mark. Goody we were in.
Rebecca, Martin, Leon, Cath, David, Pauline, Liz |
Countryfile are making a piece about water quality in the river Weir and would like to film us swimming as surely if the water quality is bad we would not put ourselves at risk by entering it. Now many years ago the quality of the river was not good, industry and pollution made it a no go area. However things have changed and with this water source on my doorstep it was too good an opportunity to miss out on. I was tasked with finding a suitable place to swim in, i picked a hand full and David Donaldson and myself met with the Jack and Mark to show them. Some locations were simply stunning (Dandry Sheilds) where we discovered a pretty place that is clearly the home of otters the number of fish skins along the bottom of the river bank. Others the river too wide and it would make us look like pea's in a pan swimming along. Then came the perfect venue at Eastgate, a quiet location, 3 waterfalls, stunning scenery. An ideal playground on any day let alone for filming. David and i had to give it a go and duly got in. The water was.....cold, very cold. Its flowing water so that which was coming off the hills around flows directly into the river and at that point was surrounding our bodies and rapidly making us numb. But as we shivered getting dressed we knew it was the place not only to film but also to swim in during the summer. We started planning what we would like to do! Heater on full in the car i headed home.

My next task was to get swimmers, now that is never a problem, there are more than enough like minded people in the world like me who relish every opportunity to get in the water, pretty soon we had sufficient people. Messages sent out and we were good to go.
Tuesday the 13th the BBC team came up to do some filming so Liz Reed, David Donaldson and myself met for coffee prior to the swim, catch up chats and hot fluids inside us and we were ready for the swim, it was a mild day, the sun was even making the odd appearance, the breeze had a warm feel to it. The BBC has devised and adapted a cycle helmet to support a head camera for me to use so they could get the swimmers eye view of being in the open water. Cue David with his camera to record the moment!

Land based cameras set up, swimmers at the ready and in we got. The water temperature was a healthy 9 degrees, and with the little bit of sun on us it was heavenly. The sun filtering through the water meant we could see the occasional fish as well as the bottom in places. The force of the water coming over the waterfall appeared to have diminished in the week in between swims, previously David and i had struggled to get anywhere near the waterfall such was its power, today however we were able to get right up to it, under it and behind it. The force of the water on your head was amazing, like getting hit with a million little hammers, behind the waterfall the noise of the water deafening, but the view looking out, incredible, we could see Jack and Mark watching us. I wonder what went through their minds watching us get in the water and playing like children. Mark had hinted that it might be something that he would want to experience....do we have another convert to the open water, lets hope so.

Adjustments made to the helmet camera, and we were good to go again, swimming behind and around the other swimmers, diving under to see if we could capture some footage of fish, i think i mainly got legs and arms. Heading out, we viewed some of the footage, its very interesting to see what we had shot, experiencing it in the water then being able to see it played back was enlightening. Camera dismounted from the helmet in we got again, this time to get some deeper shots. We had a passer by watching us, he must have thought we were nuts....we probably are but that's what life is about isn't it! Filming done it was time to get dressed. Clearly Jack and Mark are not used to having swimmers strip off and try to dress in front of them. But this we did, the cold sometimes only starts to kick in as you get dressed so the practice of taking an item off and replacing it with another dry one is put into place, layers and lots of them!

Jack and Mark headed off to film the scenery in the area, and the three of us stood around chatting, trying to stop our hands from shaking long enough to get hot fluids in us. Our giggles must have alerted all and sunder that we were there. Its great to be able to share moments like that with friends, and it did keep me chuckling all evening whenever i thought of it. The rest of the filming was to take place the next day so we would have to get home to get the wetsuits dry (David bravely getting in sans suit as his is in for repair), but the diversion of coffee and cake sent us hunting, the local cafe having closed we headed for a marvellous pub called the Black Bull at Forsterly, we must have looked very sad standing by its doors waiting for it to open, and we would have been in for a long weight, it was not open til Wednesday. So heaters on full blast we got back in the cars and headed home. Tomorrow we would meet Julia Bradbury, would we, could we tempt her into the water. Orca had very kindly donated a wetsuit in her size for her to get in with, lets hope shes game for it!!!

Wednesday dawned a heavily misty day, thankfully this soon lifted as the day wore on and shorty after lunch it started to lift. A phone call from Leon and crew told me they would arrive at the visitor centre in Stanhope at 1.30pm. so i got my stuff together, texted and called the others that were also going to have to arrive. Pretty soon we were all there grouped together outside in the sun drinking tea. Liz Reed soon arrived bearing gifts for me and David, children's drinking cups with anti spill lids give the shakes that we had got on the previous day.....believe me they will get used!
Tea drunk and in convoy we headed off to Eastgate to show the others where we would be swimming. Parking in the sunshine you could almost think it was a summers day such was the warmth of the sun. As soon as you get out of the car you could hear the water. Less than five minutes later we were there, the waterfall, masses of water crushing down in front of us. The sun glancing across the waters surface literally making it sparkle and dance.

Jack and Mark wanted us ready in our wetsuits or costumes as the case may be for when they got there at 3pm. As we started getting ready the cameras came out.....ours not theirs!! Leon Fryer somehow managed to get his suit on in record time and headed straight for the water, grinning as he eyed up the rocks which he was planning to jump from....this could rapidly turn into an episode of Helicoper heros!!!! The rest of us took our time, enjoying the banter, David Donaldson, like a mountain goat jumping all over the rocks soon found himself a spot to view the arena of water that we would be swimming in. Waiting for the BBC to turn up is no big deal when we have water to play in!

All of a sudden a bellowing voice came out of no where, Angry Bob, as he is now known came thundering down through the well trodden path, shouting who's your health and safety officer.....no introduction i might add. We grouped round the red faced angry person in front of us. What are you doing here he said (had he not been so irate he might have taken in the numerous wetsuits and cossies). Did we know there where cray fish in the water, no but they would not disturb yes as we would not disturb them. The water is clean he screamed.......it was getting boring now listening to this man rant on without stating the purpose of his rant. Leon engaged him in conversation, trying to lighten the mood but Angry Bob was in full swing and would not be stopped, his piece de resistance was 'did you know there were 5 ducks here last night.....and now they are gone' How we held it together at that point i do not know. He was led away by Geoff and never seen again. The purpose of his rant not known, the reason for his impromtu visit unclear but amongst the group it was discussed that maybe we should round up every duck we could and ask him back for a identity line up.....was the man right in the head....ducks do fly!! Thankfully he never returned but it did amuse us for a moment or two..there are some odd people in the country!

Wandering up to where we had parked our cars in search of a mobile phone signal i must have looked a bit of a sight, wetsuit on, arm in the air chuntering, no bloody signal, and then suddeny two bars appreared, quickly calling Jack, we found they were two minutes away, in no time at all they were with us and parking up. Julia Bradbury alighted the car and i can confirm she is every bit as stunning in real life as you see on the television. She was full of questions about what we did and why we did it. I told her about the joy of open water swimming and that we hoped she would get in with us. Oh she stated i don't have a suit.......problem solved, we do i said, a fantastic Orca 3.8. I will have to see she said but i am filming in Minasota for a month and flying tomorrow but it sounds like fun.

Walking down to the waterfall, she loved the area and the scenery, I had prewarned her that the group were eager to meet her and that Leon on particular was a huge fan. She took it all in her stride and from the second she joined them it was as if she had been a life long friend. Once the introductions were made she joined in the banter, most of which was directed in Leon's way.....this man, a true gentleman was reduced to a 10 year old boy under her direction such were the looks he was giving her.! Leon had brought cakes......none of us had been offered or even allowed any until Julia arrived....but all of a sudden they were out and Julia was munching away, Leon, beaming in the back ground! Then again the camera's came out as did the banter!

As the crew set up, I was told what the requirements of the shoot would be, basically we could be ourselves and do what we would normally do in the water and then they would call several of us for an interview (myself and david donaldson), we lined up for a pre swim film shot of our faces......no sound so it was a great opportunity for some whispered comments to make people giggle, i cant tell you what i whispered to David but if you watch the footage you see that he corpses infront of the camera. Rebecca Jarre's pose was so great the camera man was struggling to hold the camera he was laughing so much.

And then it was into the water.....did it feel colder than the day before...yes, the air temperature was colder and we had been stood around for a bit, but it was still lovely to get in. Like children at a fair wanting a go on the best ride, we all rushed for the waterfall. Swimming around, diving under you name it we did it, all of which we would have done if the camera's were not there. Julia did her piece to camera, she is animated, smiling and articulate, a complete natural, no notes. I did even notice that she took a sneaky photo of us all ....or was that just of Leon! All too quickly i got called for interview, the noise of the waterfall behind me made it for me to hear how loud i was speaking but it felt loud to me, she asked the questions, i attempted to answer. Now for anyone that has swam in COLD water you will know that when you put your face in the feeling is that of when you go to the dentist....numbness....when you try to speak you feel as if your mouth is not forming the words that you would like to say....highly aware of this, i tried to do my best. Next up was David, and i got back in to swim, we could not hear what was being said but David was grinning as he came back to us.

More filming of us swimming, then the crew checked their footage, i got called back for more questions, by this point hanging around in the water was making me shiver...i hope it did not come across on film. Then more filming, the crew also gave us their underwater camera, like seals we were all soon diving under and playing...we could have stayed like that for ages but the toys needed to be returned. After 45 minutes we were done, the crew started packing up and Julia chatted at ease with us, i am sure she called us a bunch of nutters at one point....but you could tell that she wanted to get in.....insurence and the bosses said no! She told me though that although she was not allowed to get in she was thrilled with the wetsuit and insisted on her pics being taken with it. How on earth am i going to get in that she stated...!

With us shivering as we got dressed the BBC packed up and left us to our dignity, most of us have swam together often before so as it seems to be the way with open water swimmers, the requirement for speeding dressing means that we are all adept at averting our eyes whilst in various states of undress. Soon fully clothed, Rebecca and Cath, bless them produced hot drinks for us....highly welcome, and it was chat time...naturally we were all on a high, we had swam, but also been filmed what a treat....when was it doing to be shown to the public.....April the 1st!!!!!
Going our seperate ways i was over the moon at how the day had gone, i think we showed the BBC how open water swimmers are, and what we do in a positive manner.....a two week wait for the screening seemed like an age away!
April the first came round....most of us were sat with lap tops on facebook open ready and waiting. We were the last item to be shown, gulp.......here goes, the banter on facebook showed that we were all nervous and excited.....! And there it was...me, the first bit....me being asked if we peed in our wetsuits....oh i got the spade out and started digging, sat in my living room red faced and waited for the comments...and yes they came. Now anyone knows that swims with me i always give everyone stick......now it was their turn....and boy did i get it!!! But there we were in glorious colour, a wonderful mixture of male and female, wetsuit and non wetsuit. Did we do the world of open water proud, i hope so. I was pleased with it and so were the others!
Haven't you seen it, well fingers crossed this link will work, if not i will try to upload from the disc they sent me. It seems Countryfile has a host of new fans and all being good the world of open water has a few new ones too!