Hello to one and all, as most of you know i have an appeal out for donations to kick start a new venture i am setting up, i am getting there and so far you have amazingly donated £400, i am still a little shy of what i need so the bowl comes out again in a last push to raise the funds as i have a deadline for application for the course of the 5th of Feb.
So many of you have supported me in the venture that i am proposing both verbally and with your donations....please look down the back of the sofa, under the seats in your car....even check the pockets of coats you have not worn for a while. ONE HUNDRED POUNDS IS ALL THAT IS i am sure i have said before no kittens will be harmed should you not donate...but you are guaranteed a huge thank you from me and a huge as and when me meet, not to mention hopefully getting the benefits of the work that i will be doing.
So please dig deep, i know that money is a scarce source for most of us at the moment so even 50p is gratefully received. Donations can be made via paypal at
A massive thank you to all the donations, kind words and the support i have received so far, you have been incredible and really does show what a wonderful bunch us swimmers are. xx